366 - باب النهي عن صمت يوم إلى الليل
Chapter 366
Prohibition of observing silence from Dawn till Night
1800 - عن علي رضي الله عنه قال : حفظت عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم : [ لا يتم ( 1 ) بعد احتلام ولا صمات يوم إلى الليل ] رواه أبو داود بإسناد حسن
قال الخطابي في تفسير هذا الحديث : كان من نسك الجاهلية الصمات فنهوا في الإسلام عن ذلك وأمروا بالذكر والحديث بالخير
( 1 ) لا يتم : بسكون التاء . يعني أنه إذا احتلم لم تجر عليه أحكام صغار الأيتام
1800. `Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I have retained in my memory the saying of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that: "No one is considered an orphan after he has attained the age of maturity; and it is unlawful to remain silent from dawn till night.''
[Abu Dawud with Hasan (good) Isnad].
1801 - وعن قيس بن أبي حازم قال : دخل أبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه على امرأة من أحمس يقال لها زينب فرآها لا تتكلم . فقال : ما لها لا تتكلم ؟ فقالوا : حجت مصمتة فقال لها : تكلمي فإن هذا لا يحل هذا من عمل الجاهلية فتكلمت . رواه البخاري
1801. Qais bin Abu Hazim ¨(May Allah be pleased with him)(c) said: Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) came upon a woman named Zainab from the Ahmas tribe and noticed that she was observing total silence. He said: "What has happened to her? Why does she not speak?'' People informed him that she had sworn to remain silent. He then said to her: "You should speak, it is not permissible (to observe silence), for it is an act of the Days of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah).'' (After hearing this) she started speaking.
1. From the above narrations it becomes clear that one can not be called an orphan when maturity is attained. The proof of maturity is night discharge and not any particular age. The age of maturity may differ in different countries according to the climate and individual body development. So night discharge has been fixed as the condition and criterion or sign of maturity. Night discharge means ejaculation of semen during sleep.
2. During the pre-Islamic period, keeping quiet was also considered as a sort of worship or devotion to God. Islam does not allow such ascetic ceremonies and extravagance. So such actions are forbidden. Further it has been stressed that instead of keeping quiet one should engage in good actions, such as enjoining good, forbidding evil, entertaining a guest, remembering Allah and glorifying Him. However, it is better to keep quiet rather than telling lies, indulging in indecent talk or backbiting.
367 - باب تحريم انتساب الإنسان إلى غير أبيه وتوليه غير مواليه
Chapter 367
Prohibition of attributing wrong Fatherhood